So every year for Easter, my family makes a menu and everyone gets something to bring. Somehow, this year, I was not assigned anything! I decided I wanted to do something super yummy, simple, relatively inexpensive, and something that I can make in bulk! lol I found the perfect recipe Oreo Cream Cheese Truffles!
First you need one pack of Oreos
about 12 oz of semi-sweet chocolate chips.... (you may use a little more or a little less so have back ups just incase)
and an 8 oz package of cream cheese
First pull out about 8 oreos and put them in the food processor. Chop Chop Chop and set those to the side. We will use those later!
Next chop the rest of the oreos and put them into your mixer and add the cream cheese....
Then take your chocolate chips in another microwaveable bowl and microwave them on medium heat until soft.... It should only be about a minute.
In the mean time, get your tray ready for the truffles... I learned the hard way to cover your tray with parchment paper or wax paper so while they are cooling they won't stick to the tray!
Next, start making your truffle balls. I used a measuring spoon to keep my truffles roughly the same size.
I scooped them all and put them on the tray to get them ready for dipping
I decided to make each a little more round by rolling them in my hands before dropping them (carefully) into the melted chocolate. Without moving the balls make sure they are all covered with the chocolate. I used my spatula to cover the balls in chocolate
Then scoop the out with a fork, gently tapping the fork to the side of the bowl to get all the excess chocolate off. Then place on the parchment paper and let them cool while you finish up with all the other truffles. I put mine in the refrigerator for about an hour before serving just to make sure they were completely cooled and firm.
I think next time I will decorate them just for an added fun! They were are HIT at Easter dinner and were completely gone BEFORE we even started officially eating dinner! So I think I will also hide them until after dinner next year! lol